I’ve added two sources to Long Live the ABB: Cameron Crowe from Rolling Stone 1973 and Tom Nolan’s ABB biography1 I’ve been annotating.2 Each offers an intimate look at the band at the peak of its fame.
Both were ESSENTIAL to my understanding of the Allman Brothers Band and in writing Play All Night!3 They’re packed with information about this site’s founding ethos:
Conversation from the crossroads of Southern music, history, and culture through the lens of the Allman Brothers Band.
Cameron Crowe’s 1973 Rolling Stone cover story
Tom Nolan’s 1976 ABB biography
Dr. B’s Marginalia (Annotated Read of Nolan)
“Dreams” 5/1/96 Greenville, South Carolina
My favorite Dreams of the Warren & Woody era.4 Dickey is ABBsolutely spectacular here.
“In Memory of Elizabeth Reed” Dickey Betts 12/14/74
Reupping this gem from the Richard Betts American Music Show tour for Highway Call. 40+min. of psychedelic western swing. Just magnificent shit.
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